Welcome to the world of learning,

let's create some curiosity and fun filling environment for the little one

The Future Begins Here!

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Tell us a little bit about your family to get started. Come learn about the Dazzle Kids School experience!

Our Curriculam

Based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, education programs are designed to encourage positive, stimulating growth and development; free expression; and healthy communication skills. We recognize that each child is different and endeavor to deliver the best possible experience in the most flexible manner. Throughout our curriculum, we focus on the ability to communicate understandings, to apply knowledge to novel situations and to solve problems.


Our FS1 curriculum incorporates the 7 areas of learning that includes a balance of child-led and adult-led activities. Our FS2 curriculum builds upon the development the children have made in FS1. Additionally, your child’s learning experience at Dazzle Kids Nursery will revolve around theme-based units following the principles of EYFS, with a focus on 7 areas of learning. These areas are as follow:

Our Programmes


Preschool is an important time for a child’s development, offering the foundation they will build on as they progress through school.

3-12 months 9:00 - 11:00h

Foundation Stage 1

In this first stage of education, we'll cover the basics your child needs to learn

1-3 years 11:00 - 15:00h

Foundation Stage 2

The Foundations Stage 2 curriculum aims to provide children with more opportunities to develop their social, physical and emotional skills, as well as their cognitive skills.

5-12 years 19:00 - 21:00h

Our Highlights

Preschool teaches the 5 prime habits and skills that craft your kid into a super creative one in the future.

01. Social and emotional skills
preschool helps your child develop their social and emotional skills. In preschool, your child learns about sharing and taking turns. children spend extended amounts of time with other children and adults outside their families. The environment provides plenty of opportunities to learn how to make friends, cooperate, listen, and build foundational conversation skills.
02. Creativity and curiosity
Young children have active imaginations, and those imaginations can be nurtured to fuel learning and creativity. preschool teachers are trained to help children develop their own ideas and thoughts. They encourage curiosity, ask questions, and listen to children’s ideas rather than pushing “correct” answers or behaviors.
03. Decision-making skills
Preschool children get to choose which activities they participate in. That means they not only get to follow their interests but also learn decision-making skills and responsibility. Children are encouraged to make their own choices. Teachers watch children and keep an eye on which activities they seem interested in. If a child seems unsure of how to enter other children’s play, they may offer suggestions on ways to join the group.
04. Cognitive skills
Children build cognitive skills through activities that challenge them to try new things, solve problems, ask questions, and simply observe the world around them. Preschool emphasizes these types of activities, as a result of which the children develop their cognitive skills.
05. Motor skills
This is an equally important aspect of child development which is covered as one of the 3 prime areas of development. Children need to grow physically, by making them participate in activities that help promote their development in this area.
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Specific Areas of Learning


This area of learning focuses on reading and writing. The benchmarks include encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. Children have access to a wide range of reading materials (books, poems etc) to ignite their interest. The Jolly Phonics system, reading program, reading stories, listening to understanding stories, participating in dramatic plays with reading props, writing techniques, art & crafts, etc. are used to support literacy.


This area of learning covers numbers, shape, space and measures. The benchmarks focus on problem solving and creative thinking combined with real life experiences to support mathematical knowledge and understanding. Children sort, order, match, compare and contrast, use addition and subtraction, understand time, count, learn about shapes and color and discover weight, length and volume.

Understanding the World

This area of learning focuses on people and communities, the world and technology. The benchmarks cover the physical world and the community through opportunities to explore, observe and discover science, health and safety, ecology and the environment, nature, social studies, people, places and IT helping children understand and appreciate the world in which they live.

Expressive Arts and Design

This area of learning focusses on exploring and using media and material and being imaginative. The benchmarks enable children to explore a range of media and material, texture and color, as well as providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing their thoughts and ideas through a variety of activities in art, music and movement, drama, dance, role-play, through producing models and design.

Safety at Dazzle Kids Nursery

Safety is paramount at Dazzle Kids Nursery. This emphasis on security and childcare is present on our premises and buses which are equipped with first aid kits and fire extinguishers, along with a minimum of one female bus monitor on-board to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children. Besides these security precautions, the nursery also offers CCTV facility. All visitors need to sign in upon entry and will be accompanied by a member of our team when walking around the nursery.

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Ø  Without Preschool, Peer Relations Can Be Stunted


Ø  Those who receive early childhood education, one or two years of quality preschool, are more likely to succeed in elementary school,and less likely to drop out of school when they get into intermediate, secondary, and beyond.


Ø  students who receive high-quality early education perform far better in elementary maths than students who have received no preschool.


Ø  They May Struggle In Middle School – Middle school is often where education begins to hit the skids. The transition between elementary and intermediate school is made easier if the foundation is solid, which preschool helps achieve.

Ø  Social and emotional skills

Ø  Motor skills

Ø  Cognitive skills

Ø  Decision-making skills

Ø  Creativity and curiosity

Ø  problem-solving skills

Based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, education programs are designed to encourage positive, stimulating growth and development; free expression; and healthy communication skills. We recognize that each child is different and endeavor to deliver the best possible experience in the most flexible manner. Throughout our curriculum, we focus on the ability to communicate understandings, to apply knowledge to novel situations and to solve problems.

Our teaching methodology is it to show the respect for the child and at the same time values the role of families, teachers, community and the environment. Children learn effectively when they are provided with opportunities to play and explore, be actively involved in their learning and can create and think critically as this allows children to be motivated, engaged and thinking for themselves.

Well-equipped transport facility is available for all children living in Dubai. Skilled and experienced drivers are selected for running the nursery buses. Trained bus assistants are always there in the bus to help children board and depart the bus.

At the start of a new term and to avoid unnecessary distress to your child, it is important to let your child gradually get used to their new surroundings and to become familiar with the nursery team. We encourage parents to leave their children for short periods of time each day. Each child and their needs differ so the length of time for settling-in varies from child to child and may take up to 2 weeks. This gradual attendance helps reassure your child that you will be coming back to collect him/her and ensures a smooth transition into nursery. If you have any concerns please speak to our manager, who will be happy to advise you.

Children enjoy snack time as part of a social experience as well as time of learning. Teachers and children sit together during snack time and discuss the food brought by children while linking it to the 7 areas of learning. Eating in a relaxed social group often helps a fussy eater consume foods sent from home. We will offer your child food and drink from their packed lunch that you have provided. Our team members will encourage your child to eat and will assist them as required. We do not discard any uneaten food so you are able to check your child’s lunchbox at the end of each day to see how much they have eaten. Teachers will also suggest food your child shows an interest in during snack time.

School Gallery

We are kindergarten and
childhood is our passion.

Leadership Team

Dazzle Kids Nursery is established by four highly experienced and professional individuals who will be working together in partnership to create this Nursery.

Namrata Pallan

Co Founder

Hemavanti Yeswantlal

Co Founder
Al Jaddaf – Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Phone: +971 50 415 0222​
Email: info@dazzlekidsuae.com

Come and visit us.

Tell us a little bit about your family to get started.
Come learn about the Dazzle Kids experience!

Landing Page

We help children engage their bodies and minds through fun and educational activities.